Sunday, April 8, 2012

April Stats

Hmm... Maybe I ate a little bit too much when I got back home.

Weight: 71 kg
Waist  : 86.15 cm
Neck   : 35.5
% BF  : 21.1%
BMI     : 25.64

Starting today, we'll be pairing the IF system with our regular workout routine.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Late Progress Update

I was supposed to post stat updates by the end of March, but unfortunately I was preoccupied with transferring my stuff. I'll be logging my progress (or lack thereof) tomorrow. Hopefully the differences would be significant enough to keep me from raging over the insignificant two months worth of not-so-hard work.

Good news though, I'm already done with C25K W4. Five more weeks! Endurance has been greatly improved. Recovery and stamina have been greatly increased, giving me extra fuel for workout routines other than C25K.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Did Couch to 5K Week 4 Day 2 barefoot today. Speed suffered, but I hope my soles get used to the stress.
Was also able to finish the fitocracy dip quest worth 400 points.
Tomorrow is another Tacfit Firefighter Challenge day. Will still go for the full 20 round workout.
Having a hard time limiting food intake due to the stockpiling of supplies.

Stat updates this weekend.