Friday, January 4, 2013

2012, 2013

Well, 2012 has passed and a new year has started. The last year was somewhat underwhelming on a personal level. I wasn't able to meet my year-end goals for physical fitness. I had a few experiences that threatened to knock me off balance. But I suppose having survived another year is a good thing.

I'm not particularly fond of new years resolutions. If you want to change something about yourself, why not do it the moment you realize it regardless of time and day? I understand how difficult it can be, so I suppose using the new year as a change motivator is a good thing. Too bad that most resolutions don't get fulfilled.

I've started some projects and I hope I can continue carrying them until they are finished or until I establish a lifetime commitment. These project will help keep me occupied, so I could prevent myself from brooding excessively and going all Edgar Allan Poe
  • Guitar
  • Drums
  • Dream Log
  • Writing
  • Parkour
I also kind of miss being employed. But seeing as to how I don't really have any unreasonable cravings or a family to support, I can't seem to find motivation to find a job. This is a bit unfair for my family since I'm currently freeloading. I hope I can find a job this year since I'd like to help out with house expenses. Budget allocation is going to be a bit more challenging starting in a few months, since there's a baby on the way.

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